Increase Car Speed ​​tips

Owning a car is not in fact making the hearts of the owner satisfied. As we know, a lot of enthusiasm among the four-wheel vehicle owners who are so obsessed to be willing to do anything to its standard engine performance to be more qualified. And now for the sake of satisfying the desire of the 'speed goers' is, in particular we give some tips to consider when you want to increase the speed of the car.

1. Engine swap. This is the easiest thing you can do when you are no longer satisfied with the performance of your car's original engine. With the engine swap you only need to replace the original engine of your car with another car's engine has more power bursts.

2. The second thing you must understand is the increased speed closely related to the change machine. If you need more speed, you must be willing to sacrifice their standard machines to upgrade your car again. This is done to find out the extent limit the maximum speed (top speed) that you want because after the entire standard engine was no longer satisfy the desires of 'speeding' in your heart.

3. Talking about the engine change, inevitably you will be in direct contact with modifications. Similarly, the modification horsepower (hp), modification of the speed that you can do is to change the high-pressure air intakes, exhaust the use of model racing (racing), re-setting the ECU system (the brain of the machine), and graft force such as turbochargers or supercharged induction.

4. Another step would be to use high-octane fuel. Use of this type of fuel can directly improve the work efficiency by more powerful engines and cars capable of running faster again. It is important to note that increasing the speed to be intimately linked with the consumption of fuel. The higher the speed of your car, the more fuel you have to spend time driving. And of course will further drain the contents of your bag

5. Apart from all that is still driving safely. Avoid the risk to a minimum on the road for driving in many high-speed conditions that lead to traffic accidents. There are better means than you should be speeding highway. Try to plunge into the world of auto racing, who knows you perform there.

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